
Almond Toffee Winner!

We have a winner! Using my highly scientific slips-of-paper-with-names-in-a-mixing-bowl technique, the toffee goes to Ben E! I hope you enjoy it as much as your peppermint bark.

Thank you so, so much to everyone for sharing your holiday treat favorites. It’s fascinating not only to hear about new treats I may want to try (I’m super intrigued by the ice box cake and the Dutch Apple Pie…), but to hear the stories and memories you have off those treats that make them even sweeter. I wouldn’t be blogging if I didn’t love sharing my tales, but I really love reading yours.

As for me, my holiday posts have only just begun. Stay tuned for more!

Strawberry Jam Winners


After using a highly sophisticated technique of randomness (er, slips of paper with names drawn from a glass bowl), the winners of a jar of jam are:

Lauren W!
Natasha B!
Sara H!

I’ve e-mailed all of you as well in case you don’t get to the site in the next day or two… take a look through the flavors on this post and let me know which one you’d like to try!

Thanks to everyone for your feedback and input!

Last Day to Win Strawberry Jam!


Don’t forget to enter to win a free jar of freshly made strawberry jam! Straight from my kitchen to your breakfast. You have until midnight!

How to Enter
1. Leave a comment on this post answering this question: Which recipes or types of food would you like to see on 30 Pounds of Apples?
2. Like-a-dee-like 30 Pounds of Apples on Facebook.
3. Do both, and enter twice!

Enter before midnight on Friday, May 20, or you’ll turn into a pumpkin and you’ll have no jam. Winners will be announced on Saturday, May 21.


More recipes to come this weekend… the glory of a weekend with hardly any shifts at work!

Strawberry Jam, Part III: Recipes & Results

The berries have been picked, sliced, sugared, and cooked. Each jar has announced with a satisfying little pop! of the lid that it is sealed and ready to be stored until it is opened, its contents slathered onto someone’s breakfast. Maybe mine, maybe yours.

The final step in my eight-flavor experiment in strawberry jam (who knew there was so much variety?) was definitely the most relaxing: the tasting! Sampling each variety was hugely important, you see. I mean, how else could I tell you which ones worked and which ones didn’t? Trust me, there was no other reason to open so many jars of jam at one time.

I made a date of it. Made some biscuits, sat on the balcony, even grabbed a notepad to record my initial reactions to each jar. It was fancy. I may or may not have pretended I was a snooty judge on a Food Network show.
